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Alan-two questions: do you know if the car overheated at any time=0Aafte=
r the replacement of the head?=0ASecondly, do you have any idea what tor=
que they used to tighten the=0Ahead, even if they did not go in order?=
=0AA couple of us, who have been doing this for awhile, decided on about=
=0A80 FT LBS. as max torque. There is no book spec. That is a spec for=
=0Athat size stud and nut. The tightening order in the workshop manual i=
s=0Astrictly adhered to, and the torque is brought up in 1/3 increments.=
=0AAgain, I sprayed both sides of my copper gasket with a light coating=
=0Aof Permatex copper seal.I used a Payen gasket which was marked=0Atop/=
front. Yea, the good old days...Hank=0A=0A=09---------------------------=
--------------From: "Alan Seigrist" =0ATo: "Bob Spidell"=0ACc: "Healey l=
ist"=0ASent: Tuesday February 2 2021 6:07:37PM=0ASubject: Re: [Healeys]=
A90 Head Update=0A=0A Hi Bob - =0A This gasket was put on the car only=
about 5K miles ago if you can=0Abelieve it, but the car sat for about 1=
0 years afterwards... I've=0Achecked both the head and deck with a recti=
fier (see pic), both are=0Avery nicely flat and do not need to go to the=
machinist. Both are flat=0Ato within 1/1000 on the surface... which is=
less than the error on the=0Arectifier! =0A I have the previously remov=
ed very old copper gasket which I saved=0Aand it has no signs of gas lea=
king between cylinders compared to this=0Anewer gasket that I just remov=
ed. I discovered a few things: =0A=0A=09* The old gasket is made with b=
etter quality, softer copper, and is=0Athicker than the newer gasket tha=
t was put on. The old gasket that=0Ashowed no problems is 1.8mm thick af=
ter being installed, the new=0Agasket that failed is 1.5mm thick after b=
eing installed. The old=0Agasket is very nicely marked as to orientation=
, directions, copper=0Acompression rings are thicker, etc., etc., Clearl=
y the older gasket=0Awas made to work in circumstances where the mating=
surfaces weren't=0Aalways perfectly flat.=0A =09* I highly suspect the=
mechanics that installed the head last time=0Adid not torque the head i=
n the proper sequence, quite possibly working=0Afrom the outside in. =0A=
=09* The head stud mount holes on the deck were raised a bit in couple=
=0Aplaces and may have caused the head to deflect a little, possibly, bu=
t=0Athey don't seem to have been enough to make a difference... I have=
=0Aalready filed those holes down. Micheal Salter has told me to run a=
=0Acountersink to debur the hole.=0A=0AIt's a weird one, I think possibl=
y a combination of all three issues=0Aabove. Let's see how she goes afte=
r I finish the job. Ultimately one=0Athing I learned is I cannot anymore=
rely on mechanics that I do not=0Aknow well to do work on my car... I e=
nd up having to redo everything. =0A Best, =0A Alan On 2/1/2021 11:2=
3 PM, Alan Seigrist wrote:=0A > All -=0A >=0A > Got the head off. Sure e=
nough the gasket blew between 3&4 . some=0A > evidence of gas flow betwe=
en 1&2 as well. Last pic is of me=0Astanding=0A > in the engine compartm=
ent lifting the head off, just to make all of=0A > you jealous ... :D=0A=
>=0A > Cheers,=0A >=0A > Alan=0A >=0A=0A ______________________________=
_________________=0A Support Team.Net [1]http://www.team.net/donate.htm=
l [2]=0A Suggested annual donation $12.75=0A=0A Archive: [3]http://www.=
team.net/pipermail/healeys [4] =0A[5]http://autox.team.net/archive [6]=
=0A=0AHealeys@autox.team.net=0A [7]http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinf=
o/healeys [8]=0A=0A Unsubscribe/Manage: =0A[9]http://autox.team.net/mail=
man/options/healeys/healey.nut@gmail.com=0A[10]=0A=0A =0A=0ALinks:=0A-=
-----=0A[1] http://www.team.net/donate.html=0A[2] http://www.team.net/do=
nate.html=0A[3] http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys=0A[4] http://www.t=
eam.net/pipermail/healeys=0A[5] http://autox.team.net/archive=0A[6] http=
://autox.team.net/archive=0A[7] http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/h=
ealeys=0A[8] http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys=0A[9] http:/=
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<html><body>Alan-two questions: do you know if the car overheated at any=
time after the replacement of the head?<div><br></div><div>Secondly, do=
you have any idea what torque they used to tighten the head, even if th=
ey did not go in order?</div><div><br></div><div>A couple of us, who hav=
e been doing this for awhile, decided on about 80 FT LBS. as max torque.=
There is no book spec. That is a spec for that size stud and nut. The t=
ightening order in the workshop manual is strictly adhered to, and the t=
orque is brought up in 1/3 increments.</div><div><br></div><div>Again, I=
sprayed both sides of my copper gasket with a light coating of Pe=
rmatex copper seal.</div><div>I used a Payen gasket which was marked top=
/front. Yea, the good old days...Hank<br><br><div class=3D"reply-new-sig=
nature"></div><p>-----------------------------------------</p>From: "Ala=
n Seigrist" <healey.nut@gmail.com><br>To: "Bob Spidell"<br>Cc: "Healey l=
ist"<br>Sent: Tuesday February 2 2021 6:07:37PM<br>Subject: Re: [Healeys=
] A90 Head Update<br><br>=0A<div dir=3D"ltr">=0A<div dir=3D"ltr">Hi Bob=
-=0A<div><br></div>=0A<div>This gasket was put on the car only about 5K=
miles ago if you=0Acan believe it, but the car sat for about 10 years=
=0Aafterwards... I've checked both the head and deck with a=0Arect=
ifier (see pic), both are very nicely flat and do not need to=0Ago to th=
e machinist. Both are flat to within 1/1000 on the=0Asurface... wh=
ich is less than the error on the rectifier!</div>=0A<div><br></div>=0A<=
div>I have the previously removed very old copper gasket which I=0Asaved=
and it has no signs of gas leaking between cylinders compared=0Ato this=
newer gasket that I just removed. I=0Adiscovered a few=
things:</div>=0A<div>=0A<ol><li>The old gasket is made with better qual=
ity, softer copper, and=0Ais thicker than the newer gasket that was put=
on. The old=0Agasket that showed no problems is 1.8mm thick after=
being=0Ainstalled, the new gasket that failed is 1.5mm thick after bein=
g=0Ainstalled. The old gasket is very nicely marked as to=0Ao=
rientation, directions, copper compression rings are thicker,=0Aetc., et=
c., Clearly the older gasket was made to work in=0Acircumstances w=
here the mating surfaces weren't always perfectly=0Aflat.</li>=0A<li>I h=
ighly suspect the mechanics that installed the head last=0Atime did not=
torque the head in the proper sequence, quite possibly=0Aworking from t=
he outside in. </li>=0A<li>The head stud mount holes on the d=
eck were raised a bit in=0Acouple places and may have caused the head to=
deflect a little,=0Apossibly, but they don't seem to have been enough t=
o make a=0Adifference... I have already filed those holes down. Mi=
cheal=0ASalter has told me to run a countersink to debur the hole.</li>=
=0A</ol><div>It's a weird one, I think possibly a combination of all thr=
ee=0Aissues above. Let's see how she goes after I finish the=0Ajob=
. Ultimately one thing I learned is I cannot anymore rely=0Aon mec=
hanics that I do not know well to do work on my car... I end=0Aup having=
to redo everything.</div>=0A<div><br></div>=0A<div>Best,</div>=0A</div>=
=0A<div><br></div>=0A<div>Alan</div>=0A</div>=0A<div class=3D"gmail_quot=
e">=0A<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px .8ex=
;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex;">=0AOn 2/1/202=
1 11:23 PM, Alan Seigrist wrote:<br>=0A> All -<br>=0A><br>=0A>=
Got the head off. Sure enough the gasket blew between=0A3&4 .=
some<br>=0A> evidence of gas flow between 1&2 as well. Las=
t pic is of=0Ame standing<br>=0A> in the engine compartment lifting t=
he head off, just to make=0Aall of<br>=0A> you jealous ... :D<br>=0A&=
gt;<br>=0A> Cheers,<br>=0A><br>=0A> Alan<br>=0A><br><br>=0A_=
______________________________________________<br>=0ASupport Team.Net <a=
href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html";></a><a href=3D"http://www.team=
.net/donate.html">http://www.team.net/donate.html</a><br>=0ASuggested an=
nual donation $12.75<br><br>=0AArchive: <a href=3D"http://www.team=
.net/pipermail/healeys"></a><a href=3D"http://www.team.net/pipermail/hea=
leys">http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys</a> <a href=3D"http://autox.=
team.net/archive"></a><a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/archive";>http://a=
utox.team.net/archive</a><br><br><a>Healeys@autox.team.net</a><br><a hre=
f=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys";></a><a href=3D"http=
n/listinfo/healeys</a><br><br>=0AUnsubscribe/Manage: <a href=3D"http://a=
utox.team.net/mailman/options/healeys/healey.nut@gmail.com"></a><a href=
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