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Adjusting Maps

Subject: Adjusting Maps
From: "R. John Lye" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 14:11:01 -0400
Hi all,
I'm having a terrible time getting the maps from this past weekend
to look anything like the course.  The course was a one and a half
lap affair, where we re-traced part of the route.  Anyway, I can't seem 
to adjust the map to get anything to line up properly (or get the
slalom down the middle of the loop).  There was a significant amount
of elevation change with the center of the course being the high part;
is that a likely cause of the error?  What's a bit odd (to me, anyway) 
is that while the overall shape of the maps is somewhat similar (that 
is, I can recognize general features like the sharp left hander and the 
slalom), the two maps are quite differently shaped; the radii of the turns 
seems to be quite variable, etc.  I hope that all made sense.

On another note, I still seem to be having problems getting good 
traces.  We got four runs last weekend, but the Palm recorded five
runs.  However, the first three make no sense at all - they look like
they were probably my drive from the paddock area to the start grid
and back to paddock area.  Any guesses as to what I've got set wrong?
I assume that its an Autostart problem of some sort, but I would have
thought that if it was going to record my easy drive up to the grid,
that it would have captured my runs as well since I launch a lot harder
then.  What's strange is that without making any changes in the settings 
the last two runs seemed to be captured properly (more or less, see above).

Sorry that I don't have the data files with me, but if its useful I can
post them tomorrow.

Thanks in advance,

John Lye

'59 TR-3A, '62 TR-4, '70 GT-6+

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