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Re: Same Restrictions for All These SCCA Classes? Vintage restrictions?

Subject: Re: Same Restrictions for All These SCCA Classes? Vintage restrictions?
From: Bob Lang <>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 10:33:07 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 1 Aug 2000 wrote:

>     Are these SCCA limits applied at all of the classes or do some have more 
> freedom to make axle/housing changes?

Depends on the classes.

In a nutshell, the idea is that as the classes "increase" in allowances, 
the costs go up. Now, we're not all naive here - I think we all realize 
that you can spend as much as you want in any racing class, but for "full 
bodied" cars in SCCA, the cost would be something like:

low-ish                                   high-ish (possibly rediculous)
IT         Showroom Stock      American Sedan    Prod               GT

Over time, it appears that Prod has beed moving closer to GT. There's 
nothing wrong with that, but there does seem to be an increasing "gap" 
between the potential costs between showroom stock and prod - but it's 
not clear why... some folks think the rules are too strict, some think 
they're too lax. And it seems like everyone has an opinion... and the 
proverbial "other orifice". 

But to answer your question, if you're not in the GT classes, then you're 
not supposed to change the axle housing (pertinent to this discussion).

>     The "logical" next question is how open the various Vintage groups are to 
> modifications. Would there be resistance there as well?

This would depend on which "club" you decide to race with.

As an aside, the relative "lax-ness" that some organizations have with 
regards to these items have led to the creation of yet more 
organizations. Which just goes to prove that if you don't like one 
organization's rules, well - just start your own organization!

But the "spirit" of vintage racing is that you would run the cars _as 
raced_. Period. How closely folks follow that spirit is another thing 

Note: I'm not trying criticize anyone in this regard... this is just how 
I see it - and I'm just an observer, not a participant (well, not like 
some of you folks are participants - at least in regards to vintage racing.)

> Cary

Bob Lang                Room N42-140Q          | This space for rent.
Consultant              MIT Computer Services  |        
Voice: (617)253-7438    FAX: (617)258-9535     |

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