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Re: [Roadsters] Roadster Rumors

To: Eddie <>, Tim <>
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Roadster Rumors
From: Richard Bush <>
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 18:22:09 +0400
Speaking of Honda's, does anyone know of a source for the old sports cars -
the S500, 600 and 800?

On 14/5/09 18:15, "Eddie" <> wrote:

> Interesting.  Well, he does NOT have one now, and the guy who gave the
> tour who's been with him for decades did say once he gets a car, it's in
> the collection because Jay hardly ever sells anything.  In fact, he just
> bought the building next door, because the 65,000 square feet of space
> he already has wasn't enough!  Maybe he's planning on getting another
> one, hence the space...
> Eddie
> Tim wrote:
>> I remember seeing this video as well.
>> Tim
>> ---- Mark Dent <> wrote:
>> =============
>> Jay met up with some of the Roadster guys on the Mt Wilson run in
>> 2003,  he mentioned at that time that one of his first cars was a 68
>> 1600.  There is a video of Jay discussing the Nissan GTR on Jay's
>> garage where he discusses his 1600 in detail.
>> Mark
>> On May 14, 2009, at 2:11 AM, Eddie wrote:
>>> I've heard the rumor a few times that Jay Leno has a Datsun Roadster.
>>> I can tell you for a fact, he doesn't.  I got to tour the entire
>>> place today, and I'm still speechless.  WOW.  Some amazing stuff
>>> there.
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R A Bush
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