OK. Now you lost me. I haven't removed the screws on those hoses so I don't
know what's going on there. I figured they went to the return pipe. In the
morning I'll unplug them and see if anything comes out. If not, is that
return line supposed to go directly from the far end (firewall end) of the
fuel input to the return line instead of the bottom of the carbs? That
doesn't make sense to me either. Why pump gas from the tank to the pump to
the tank since that's where it came from? I figured the return was from an
overflow from the carbs (those 4 little hoses). Overflow from the pump seems
really odd since that seems like it would be the "path of least resistance"
and would deprive the carbs. Maybe a smaller diameter hose, just for the
excess and for pressure equalizaton. I also wonder about the OPPOSITE of
vapor lock, namely siphon effect. Dunno. That's why I asked about hose ID.
Tomorrow should be interesting.
Thank you to everyone for your input,
Matt Smith (scratching my head wondering what those engineers were thinking)
And Loreli (scratching her OHC head wondering the same thing!) LOL!