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Re: "Hybrid Cars" - warning: rant

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: "Hybrid Cars" - warning: rant
From: "Eric Frisbee" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 00:20:05 -0500
Thank you Laurie for reminding us all of what these cars are all about!!!!
Having a "correct" car is nice, but it's better to have a RUNNING driving
roadster, no matter what condition!!

Speaking of fun, my son and I took a 120 mile trip to my parents house in
the ole '70 2000 yesterday.... top down!    We had a blast and got a ton of
thumbs up signs on the way!    If it's a nice day outside, I'd highly
recommend taking a short trip somewhere, just to recapture that goofy grin!

Enjoy the ride!!

>  ** Good golly  - I know **exactly** how a car gets this way... someone
> it enough to make it drive !!!  Its red, its shiny, it runs, it drives, it
> looks pretty damn good in the pictures. Someone liked it enough to keep in
> the family for 16 years... I remember 16 years ago... no major internet
> resources... no data bases telling us what what right/wrong.... heck....
NO support
> from the local Nissan dealear.... the only thing we may have had was a
> copy of the Rallye catalog, or a typed-out copy of the Datsun Roadster
> from Ross.  Ya did what ya could. I'd be proud to drive around in a little
> like that..... oh yeah... isn't "making things work" part of the whole
> sporting-car heritage ???...... Be honest..... if you saw that car pulling
in at the
> petrol station wouldn't you say " oh cool !!!" and strike up a friendly
> conversation... or would you just sit there and tell the guy what a
> incorrect monstrosity it is?!?!?  (Almost afraid to ask that question
these days on
> the list!) Does it really matter what the shift plate looks like?? - it
> shift plate - wow ! If you just take it out and drive, the only real thing
> anyone will notice is the big grin on your face !!! Whoever buys that car
> gonna have a lot of FUN - ain't that really what it's all about ?!?!?!?
> .... remembering what a high-strung bunch the jag XKE owners were....
> to give themselves a stroke over the fiddly-est of "correct" details -
> "Jubilee" hose clamps, "Otter" switches. $750 crescent wrenches for the
> gah !!! .... prolly the same sort of folks who watch baseball solely for
> statistics !!!!
> <soapbox=down>
> "If you drive fast enough, nobody will notice the little shit."
> and never forget
> "Rockchips are sexy"
> ::::::::::::::::::::::
> Laurie :-)
> '70-SPL311
> Chandler, AZ

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