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The Tally of insanity

Subject: The Tally of insanity
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Sat, 04 Oct 2003 17:40:20 -0700
Hello All,

Only eight days to go before I get to see my 1967.5 2000 completely 
restored. I have waited four years for this and today I decided to attempt 
to add up the cost (in money) of the restoration. Keeping in mind that there 
is no way to be 100% accurate, I did the best I could. I stuck to the cost 
of parts and labor. I have a pile of receipts from just about every vendor 
out there. After adding it all up, I was stunned. There is no way any sane 
person would do this. For those of you interested in a complete restoration, 
I can offer the following advice:

This car is unique to me. Everything on it I planned for. Its color, design, 
and look is all about me. That is what really costs. You can buy a very nice 
(acutally more than one) car for the same amount of money I spent, but there 
will be no other car exactly like mine. Several of the parts on this car are 
unique and I will admit to enjoying the fact that I own one of the rarest 
production cars ever.

Plan to spend at least twice what you originally think and three times is 
more like it. True, it did take four years for me to spend the money but it 
still is an impressive sum.

The vendors will not lie to you about what things cost. They may 
underestimate the time it takes but you can partially blame yourself for 
pressuring them to get it done fast instead of well. One thing I learned 
with Ross is that he does not compromise on quality and if he misses the 
deadline because it is not turning out the way he wants: oh well. I promise 
that it will be worth it.

I could easly buy 7 or 8 restored roadsters for what I am paying in total 
for this one car. However, I will not own "someone else's car", it will be 
mine and for me that is worth it. I am not married and I have no children so 
I am not "screwing" anybody. I can sleep at night.

So if you would like to know what I really paid for it all contact me off 
list and I will tell you.

Just make sure that you are sitting down.

See you on the road in eight days,

Andrew Murphy
1967.5 2000 SRL311-00489

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