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Re: 70 1600 still running like crap but a little better

Subject: Re: 70 1600 still running like crap but a little better
From: snyler <>
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 13:18:55 -0600
About 3 weeks , wrote:
Take a solid look at your distributor, I had the same problem with my 
car, and once we got the distributor and saw how sloppy it was, re 
replaced it and no problems. look at your lobes, see if the shaft 
will turn at all by hand, if so its bad. One thing about the 
electronic ign, it is hard to tell if everything is opening and 
closing correctly.

Lou Smaldino

After checking into the list of possibilities of what's causing my 
1600 to run badly, there has been improvement after correcting the 
damper-oil levels, and re-balancing the carbs.  Well, it's running 
less bad, maybe even okay, but I'm not sure I trust leaving the block 
with it.  I'm beginning to suspect the distributor, dammit  :-(

By "see if the shaft will turn at all by hand, if so it's bad" does 
that  mean 0.000deg rotation?  Looks like the shaft rocks between 4 
and 5 degrees before the advance weights start moving. (this is with 
Distributor in place) Is my 1 year old rebult from rallye distributor 
bad?  Well, if that's the case, the roadster's getting parked 
indefinitely. Unfortunately money is tight and there's no Garry Boone 
EI Dizzy in my forseeable future.  I'd sell the damn car, but it 
doesn't run well enough to fetch a decent price.

Really discouraged


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