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Garage cleaning time again

Subject: Garage cleaning time again
From: "sidney raper" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 17:00:37 -0500
Well, my wife is telling me that I have too much crap in the garage.  (I 
need to adjust her view of Roadster parts!)  Anyway, I need to sell off some 
stuff.  Some of it I can ship, some of it will be cost prohibitive to ship.  
Among the big items are a 2000 engine - no exhaust manifold, but it ran well 
before I pulled it out of the car, a 1500 transmission (doesn't everyone 
want one of these rarities?), a 1600 short block (CHEAP!!!), an iron head 
for a dual carb 1500 (same design as the early 1600s - just a different 
casting number).  I have lots of other odds and ends as well.  If you are 
interested in any of it, let me know.  Shipping the 2000 engine would be 
really expensive unless it were disassembled.


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