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Timing and (Disconnect the ground stupid!)

To: "Thomas Walter" <>,
Subject: Timing and (Disconnect the ground stupid!)
From: "Ron & Julie Edgar" <>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 18:44:16 -0400
> Correct. The only way to correctly set the timing is
> a timing light.

 This has been a great subject I am going to add some fuel to the fire.

My 1600 by all viewable signs is in good running order.  Compression is 185+
in all cylinders. New head gasket, fuel pump, water pump, starter, ect.The
internal parts such as timing chain, rocker arms ect can be viewed on my web
page, all are clean. Engine could be a rebuild but not knowing the history
of the car I do not know. The car does have headers and a new non-smog re-
curved distributor.

Car starts every time, hot or cold, by the second try with no choke.  (never
had one) Carbs are worn  but they are running great at the moment. It did
have electronic ignition up to a month or so ago but I pulled a stupid stunt
and left the battery cable on while I was working on the carbs. (Note:
always disconnect your battery when working on you car) I grounded out the
starter lead with a wrench and it was a great fire works show. From that
time on we started seeing performance go down hill. Wouldn't idle and seemed
to be running on 3 cylinders. After trying different coils, ballast
resisters,cleaning and adjusting the carbs I was still unhappy. So I finally
got to looking at the distributor and decided to pull the CDI and restore
the old points.  Well it appears the voltage spike that scared me to death
had found its way to the CDI and damaged it. Now with points the old girl
came back to life and ran better but still  not great.  Then I got to
thinking how we tuned up our motorcycles when I was younger.  With a two
wire test light. So I set the point gap, turned the engine until #1 was at
TDC then carefully set the timming marks on 15 deg before TDC. I then placed
the ground lead on my light on ground and held the hot lead on the points.
I then slowly turned the distributor until the points turned on the light.
I did this very carefully and locked the distributor down at just the point
where the light came on.  Well the car has improved so much in performance
its hard to believe. But it didn't stop there I changed to Mobil 1 Oil and
performance increased again.
Still had a small idle problem and a friend suggested BOSCH Platinum plugs.
Put them in and a now the I can see out my rear mirror at idle (1800
rpm)Have been driving the car this way for over 6 weeks, taken a few 100
mile trips.  Cruise at 80 if I would let it. Have pushed it past 90. (for a
short time)  Car runs better then ever.  Only draw back is in the morning I
must let it hit 150 degrees temp before starting down the road.  (remember
no choke)

So gurus :-)  What have I done that's different and am I set up to burn a
piston also?
How do I know if I am too far advanced or too lean? I used 15deg to avoid
being too advanced?

Ron Edgar

Certainly enjoying the ride!
1969 1600

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