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Hardtop seals

To: Datsun Roadster <>
Subject: Hardtop seals
From: "Eric R. Wittinger" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 07:57:38 -0700 (PDT)
HI all, 
I am barrowing a hadtop for the winter, (it being 29 here at night and
60-70 durning the afternoon).  The top is great except that there is no
seal/rubber peice across the front bow(seal it to the windscreen). I am
looking for possilbe solutions to this lack of a seal, which would also
fix my wonderful wistiling and nice cool air conditioning for the top of
my head.  I was just goingt o go to the local hardware stor and find some
foam (something for sealing doors with) but I want to check to se if
anyone else has a better idea.


| Eric R Wittinger                             |
| Pacific Northwest National Laboratory        |
| NSD Radiological and Chemical Sciences Group |
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