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RE: Blown engine

Subject: RE: Blown engine
From: "Sochoux, Stephan" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 10:41:46 -0700
The front of the piston was just blown to pieces, intake port on #3 and rear
carb throat are coated with tiny little fragments. Looking down the
cylinder, the wall is scored and already completely rusted out. I don't know
how to tell if the block can be saved, but it sure looks ugly to me. I'll be
saving that piston !
I'll have some pics soon. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 9:54 AM
> To:; Sochoux; Stephan
> Subject: Re: Blown engine
> Stephan,
> Wow, bad news! The engine isn't necessarily trashed. It just 
> depends on 
> how much cash you have sitting around! I think you're on the 
> right track 
> - get another runner or engine, as your '69 U20 will take a while to 
> repair. If you tear down the engine, don't throw away the piston as 
> it'll be something everyone else will want to see.
> When you say vaporized, do you mean "melted" or do you mean 
> fragmented? 
> If it's the front of the piston, that's where the intake valve is, so 
> it's possible that something got pulled in. Maybe one of your rings 
> broke and took the piston top out. That's the only way I 
> could see the 
> hex screw head causing problems, if it got squished and the 
> metal jammed 
> the rings. When I cleaned up my pistons, I found some metal jammed in 
> one of the ring landings, so I know it happens. You should 
> drop the oil 
> pan, and pop out that piston so you can inspect the condition 
> of the #3 
> cylinder. If you didn't get any metal fragments dropping below the 
> piston, and #3 cylinder isn't damaged, it may be possible to 
> re-hone the 
> cylinder and put in a new piston without pulling the engine. But get 
> second opinions on this, as you will be better off going the whole 
> distance by a complete teardown. Let me know what you need as 
> I have the 
> tools.
> Fred
> ________________________ Reply Separator __________________________
> >Subject: Blown engine
> >Author:  "Sochoux; Stephan" <> 
> >Date:    10/12/99 7:51 AM
> >
> >A little update on my latest "breakdown":
> >
> >Pulled the head off last night, front 1/4 of piston #3 is 
> vaporized ! 
> >Head looks fine though.  Any clues to look for to determine 
> the cause ? 
> >I did notice that the head of the hex screw on the throttle shaft 
> >holding the butterfly (rear carb) was sheared off. Why that would 
> >happen is a mystery by itself, but would such a tiny head 
> screw crumble 
> >a piston if sucked in ?
> >Anyway, i'm looking to buy a U20 engine or possibly a low windshield 
> >2000 project car (running) while i pull the motor out. I think it's 
> >trashed.
> >
> >Thanks-
> >
> >Stephan.

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