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Re: won't keep running

To: Matthew W Peterson <>
Subject: Re: won't keep running
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 07:33:34 -0400
  It sounds like it may be the fuel pump can't keep the float bowls full.
It would cause the engine to stall and then not fire again until the pump
has a chance to get fuel into the bowls again.  But it may not be the pumps
fault!  You mention sediment in the fuel.  I would disconnect your fuel
line as close to the tank as possible and blow out the line.
Check/clean/replace the fuel filter.  Check the motor oil for fuel ( that
should go first on the 'Things to check list.'  Fuel in the oil equals torn
fuel pump diaphram.).  The problem may be a restricted fuel flow from the
tank if any flakes of rust or 'gunk' have made there way into the fuel

  Let me end by saying that I am not an expert on Datsuns or fuel systems!
Listen to what everybody has to say and see what fits your symptoms.  What
ever solves your problems, please let the list know.

Good luck,


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