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Re: advice on heat in cockpit of bj8

Subject: Re: advice on heat in cockpit of bj8
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 07:12:27 -0800 (PST)
Which brings up my other contrasting and not so pleasant experience
of driving my Healey during a winter in upstate New York.  The 
heater that seemed to put out so much heat in the California desert in 
July put out an perceptible amount of heat in Rome NY in January.


> If it is anything like my two old Healeys (BJ8, BN7) just wait for winter 
> and no heat will come into the cab.
> Fred
> 1961 Elva Courier
> <>
> At 10:41 AM 12/5/2000 -0500, wrote:
> >Any advice on reducing heat in cockpit for BJ8 would be appreciated, I've
> >been told to insulate the middle console over the trans, and underneath
> >driver's seat , and fire wall (kits are available?)...
> >
> >thanks
> >Bill B
> >BJ8 1967
> >Charlotte

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