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Re: Stranger LBC's

Subject: Re: Stranger LBC's
From: "Douglas Mitchell" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 1994 10:42:50 -0500
Hello Scions;

Regarding the Innocenti, I believe that both Gus and Ray are correct.

I know that in Italy in the Mid '70's, Innocenti made a version of the
Mini called, at least in Britain, the Innocenti Mini. It was a tricked
up, rebodied version of the BL Mini. I don't remember it having had a
hatchback, but the last time I saw one was about 20 years ago.

Innocenti also rebodied the Spridget, and this is the "other" car to
which Ray is refering.

Unfortunately, all of my reference material regarding these cars has
long since been thrown in the rubbish. Who knew?

Doug Mitchell

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