> I just bought a 77 MGB from one of the net's members here in Daytona, Drew
> Stieber. I hope I can take as good care of it as he did. If anyone out
> there is looking for a fine young engineer, send him a message.
> The car did not have an owners manual, and our friends at Moss Motors do
> not have ove available. Does anyone know where I can either purchase one
> or borrow one for a few days?
Victoria British Ltd. in Lenexa, KS, has manuals. Call 1-800-222-5664
for catalog and to order.
Their 1994 Fall Edition for MGB & MGC shows "Original Owners Handbooks"
that are "reprinted in England." For your '77 MGB, part no. 9-1247
sells for $11.00. Delivery & Handling would be $4.75.
I bought one of their owners manual for my '78 MGB half a year ago,
and have bought some parts. Otherwise, I have no relationship to nor
interest in the company.
Terry Shockey