Hello all!
Last night, I went to the drive-in to watch a recent movie called:
Wayne's World 2. It included a scene in which the star drove a little
red convertible around town. Is this an LBC? It didn't look like
anything I have seen before, could be Italian (ie Alfa Romeo?).
BTW, the movie wasn't that good...
Michel, 70 GT6+
--Duct tape is like the force, it has a good side and a dark side yet
still holds the universe together.
Michel Pelletier Tel: 506-384-5572 Off: 506-858-3709
Ecole de Genie FAX: 506-384-5517
Universite de Moncton emp0375@bosoleil.ci.umoncton.ca
VP Finances/ Federation Canadienne des Etudiant-e-s en Genie
Atlantique Canadian Federation of Engineering Students