Hmm. Scott obviously likes LSCs (Swedish that is).
How about a Volvo P1800, 1800E, or the really, really neat 1800ES?
On the rare occasion that I see one go by it always makes my neck
vertebrae pop. The ES has that wonderful Reliant Scimitar-ish
sports/wagon hybrid body that's probably the least common design
concept in the world of production vehicles. And $5k would be about
right for a good one. I don't know how many were made with the
manual transmission, though. But I'd be quite proud to own one.
Regarding Teriann's remarks about Japanese cookie-cutter clones
you can't find again in the parking lot: I don't know why exactly,
but my other-other car, the white '88 Accord LX sedan has a curious
psychological quality based on that very phenom. Despite its nice,
elegant and balanced design, the car is completely invisible! Nobody
ever looks at you! You can run red lights, hold up banks, drive through
bad neighborhoods yelling "carjack me", and nothing will ever happen
to you.
There's something very secure about driving a top quality, superb-
handling and comfortable incognitomobile....
Dan (2 Triumphs and a Honda) Parslow