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78 Spitfire Engine drain plug and brake flushing question.

Subject: 78 Spitfire Engine drain plug and brake flushing question.
From: Dave Chu <davec@ECE.concordia.CA>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 1994 16:55:13 -0400
I started to get the Spit back onto the road last Sunday.  After the initial
5 or 6 crank to get gas to the carb and a couple of tries later, the Spit
fired right up.  What a wonderful sound :).  

I've changed the oil and now am trying to change the coolant.  After spending
10 minutes looking for the radiator drain plug I discovered that there was 
none.  I ended up reading my Haynes manual and it saids to disconnect the 
botton rad hose and remove the engine drain plug to drain the coolant.  The 
problem is I can't find the engine drain plug.  The only thing that looks 
like it is located to the left and under the manifolds.  Is this the engine 
drain plug?

My second question is how does one go about flushing the brake system?
Do you do one brake at a time and just keep on bleeding and adding fluid 
until clear fluid comes out and then move onto the next one?  Or do you 
drain the entire systems first, add fresh fluid, and the bleed the system?
If the entire system has to be drain first how do you drain it?  Open
the bleeding screw one at a time and keep on pumping the dreak pedal until
nothing comes out and them move onto the next one?

I also checked the fluid in the clutch master cylinder and the liquid was
black.  I don't understand this, the master and slave cylinders was rebuild
last summer and fresh DOT4 fluid was added.  Is this what the fluid should
look like after 8 months or do I have to change the fluid for my clutch 

Dave                                      |\ |     | |                       
___________________________/\  /\  /\_____| \|_____| |_____    ___  ___  ___
  Dave Kai-Chui Chu          \/  \/       | /|     | |        |    |    |
  Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng.             |/ |     | |        |--  |    |--
  Concordia University               Voice:(514)848-3115      |___ |___ |___
  1455 de Maisonneuve W. H915        Fax:  (514)848-2802
  Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8

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