To: Mike Burdick (
Re: Oil Consumption
Thanks for the rapid response!
>>Regarding your oil consumption: you should try to figure out where the
>>oil is going first. What about leaks? Even if your engine is smoking,
>>you could be losing the majority of your oil through leaks. Common
>>places on that engine are front and rear seals, valve cover, oil filler
>>cap, and dipstick among others. With the exception of the rear seal,
>>all of these are easy to check and repair if bad.
I have washed down the engine, and there is very little visible leakage.
The dipstick may have oozed a bit, and a bit around the sump seal and
crankshaft pulley. Nothing like a whole quart during the check period,
I did already cut oil consuption in half by replacing the fuel pump.
It had its hinge pin backing out, and was pumping oil through the
hole left behind.
However, I do have a sump gasket and timing cover/pulley kit to
prevent these leaks when I figure out how to get the pulley off...
(engine keeps turning instead of nut).
Thanks for the tip about adding oil to a cylinder and testing compression.
I am new to mechanics.. picking up things fast but it has all been
external bolt-on stuff before this.
By the way, did you reply to me directly instead of to the list, to
both, or how does that work? I am writing back to the list so this
appears in the digest... is this not right Thanks!
...John Trindle (