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Nomenclature Change Request

Subject: Nomenclature Change Request
From: sfisher@Megatest.COM (Scott Fisher)
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 94 14:15:06 PST
As most of you know, the abbreviation SOL, at least in the
context of this mailing list and its members, stands for
Scions Of Lucas.  (It was originally "Sons" until TeriAnn
Wakeman and Lydia Gregoret reminded us that they were nobody's
sons.)  This, of course, was in turn a play on the more commonly
accepted meaning of SOL, deriving from a service expression
meaning (um...) Straight Outa Luck (or words to that effect), 
something we SOLs are known to be from time to time.

Scion is an obscure word and, as such, near to my bosom.  Its
origins are from horticulture, where it is used to mean an
offshoot, descendant, or successor.  Someone else posted, much
later, a spurious though delightful definition of scions as
"people bound together by a common tragedy."  ("Hi, my name's
Bob, and I'm a Scion of Lucas." "Hi, Bob...")

However, in mail to one of the "How do I get on this list?"
messages recently, I came up with what I think is a much better
expansion of this acronym:

Sprouts Of Lucas.

(Well, *I* liked it.)  It's perky, it's trendy, it's all-natural,
and it's 100% organic.  Whaddya think?

--Scott "My vegetable love shall grow/Vaster than empires, and more slow" Fisher

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