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Re: GT6 progress

To: RadsickT <>
Subject: Re: GT6 progress
From: "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 1994 15:05:10 -0500 (EST)
On Wed, 26 Jan 1994, RadsickT wrote:

> I finally decided on a plan of attack for the GT6mk3.  I asked a bunch 
{stuff deleted}
> As for fabbing my own bubble flare brake lines, is this possible or 
> even desirable?  I planned on just measuring the length of the old 
> lines, determining the appropriate fittings and then getting a shop to 
> do it all for me. But if I could do it all myself for about the same 
> price and quality...hmmm....  Anyone have a feel for what it would 
> cost me to (a) get a shop to do it or (b) do it myself?

The cost to do it yourself should not be large, once you have paid for
*high quality* tools to make the proper flares.  I would not rent stuff,
it is likely to be too worn.  But be warned that the job *may* be
emotionally expensive.  I had an experienced british car mechanic with
beaucoup expert mechanic diplomas do mine with my assistance; he had the
tools and experience I lacked and was willing to come to me for $30/hr. 
The first go round, half the fittings leaked.  Many had to be recut and
reflared, and some of them leaked, ad infinitum.  Either: a) his Snap-On
flaring stuff was tired, or b) he didn't know how to use it, or c) it is
damn hard to make the suckers work, or (my preference) d. 

Choice d is "All of the above," complicated by the fact that he had a
complete disinclination to have anything *really* tight.  If I had a dime
for every time he said, "Ray, the wheels are held on my race car at 100
mph. by lug nuts torqued to 31.73 lbs-feet" the cost of my restoration
would have been a few bucks less.  So in short, if you have not done it,
and if you know a place that will do a neat workpersonlike (I'm practicing
my PC speak) job for a reasonable price and guarantee no leaks, I'd go
with them. 

The plumbing of gas and brake lines cost me about $200, but it was
comforting to call the mechanic and say "Jay, they still leak.  When can I
expect you?" Having said all that, I have wondered a couple of times if it
would have worked perfectly from the start if I had done it in my usual
neurotic compulsive twitlike way myself. 

Ray (I can hammer and I can paint and I can wrench, and I can plumb but I
don't like to) Gibbons

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