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Re: newsgroup NOT!- other solutions

Subject: Re: newsgroup NOT!- other solutions
From: Bob Tufts <rbt@itc.Kodak.COM>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 1994 10:03:43 -0500
In the latest digest (British Cars Digest #1053) 13 of 19 articles are related
to discussing the pro/con of newsgroup discussion. Less we become what we fear
in newsgroups (high noise level) how 'bout we take the many relevant good points
expressed so far about "why not" and add them to the FAQ and be "done with it"!
(I think there's more than enough excellent/intelligent input already)

If the subject comes up again we can ask the poster if he "RTFM"! :-)

Roland expressed it best: In the newsgroups someone drops a bomb and it's a
month (if that) before the dust settles and the signal-to-noise ratio becomes
acceptable. I don't think the long time readers of this list need to re-invent
the wheel every time a new reader comes on board.

So what say ye all? 

Back to LBC's!

-Bob T.

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