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Movie cars

Subject: Movie cars
From: "Jester" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1993 19:51:06 EDT
Well not that these are movies but they did have TRIUMPHs in the episodes:

TR3 - The wonder Years
TR7 - Driven by Perry/Purdy in ???? be damed If i can remember the name
      of the show right now - but I'm sure that you know the show that I

BTW, I posted a story entitled "A Drive Down Memory Lane" on the weekend
and recieved no comments or critism (c/c) and I would like to know what
you people thought of it?  If you like it then I'll write more if not then
I wont waste my time and BCD band width.


| Jester!              | 1982 Honda V45 Sabre, present                    |
| the CANADIAN edition | Five 1965-69 TRiumph Spitfires, resting in Canada|
| Innovative logic Corp. doesn't want my opinion and you may not either!  |
| email   -> <>                                   |
| UUCP    -> uunet!invlogic!!jester                      |
| snail   -> Innovative Logic Corp, P.O. Box 3247 Laurel, MD, USA 20709   |

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