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Re: Overheating

Subject: Re: Overheating
From: (John Lupien)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 93 12:31:29 EDT
> I had the same problem with my 2 1/2 Litre Riley. It turned out
> that with out a termostat the water was going through the radiator
> so fast it didn't have time to cool. OI put in a termostat
> and the water slowed down, the cooling workd ad advertised.

This is what I would call an "invented rationalization".
There is no way that more coolant flow will give less cooling.
It is a thermodynamic impossibility. Much more likely is that
the lack of a thermostat caused cavitation at the pump due to
lack of backpressure, which in turn caused a LOSS of coolant flow.

John R. Lupien

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