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Re: Oh, my! What next? (MGB fan hits radiator)

Subject: Re: Oh, my! What next? (MGB fan hits radiator)
From: (David Ambrose)
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 93 10:02:04 PDT
>I've already sent this to the original poster, but I think it's of general 
>interest.  MGB owners should check this.
>The original posting concerned the fan in an MGB hitting and damaging the 
>radiator.  Many years ago, when I owned a 1964 MGB, this happened to me twice 
>before I figured it out.
>Underneath the transmission, at the rear, is a longitudinal metal rod.  The 
>front end is attached to a pivot which fits into a protrusion beneath the 
>transmission.  The tail-end is threaded, and fits into the rear crossmember.  
>This end is held to the rear crossmember by rubber isolators between metal 
>washers, all of which is pinched between nuts.
        You just jogged my memory. . . .

        I don't have my catalogues in front of me,  but I believe there are
two types of water pumps for the MGB's.  The later model pump has a slightly
longer shaft for the plastic fan.  Installing this on an older car, like
I did,  produces an interesting noise on deaccelleration. ;^)

        I kludged around it by spacing the radiator forward with a few 
washers.  An infurating exercise which should be avoided.

        Dave Ambrose

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