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Re: lbc to the rescue

To: Scott Fisher <megatest!bldg2fs1!>,
Subject: Re: lbc to the rescue
From: (Pat Vilbrandt)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1993 13:00:08 -0700
On Sep 3,  3:15pm, "W. Ray Gibbons" wrote:
> This is what has kept me wondering about this.  While trying to figure the
> problem out, I am pretty sure I disconnected the positive lead from the
> battery while the car was running, and it kept running.

This is as I would expect, but you should realize that "open circuiting" the
battery is generally not adivsable while the engine is running.  Since the
unladen output of an alternator can get up to over 100 volts, you run the risk
of frying some sensitive piece of electronics in the car.

> I did not try it, for fear of frying something,
> but I assume removing the positive lead from the battery and shorting it
> to ground would stop the engine.

Yes, I have first hand with this, due to a broken battery hold down clamp and
a hard right-hand turn!  Engine stops cold!

> My purpose in
> asking the group was to be reassured I really have the demon exorcised or
> to learn if I should keep praying and burning incense, or whatever one
> does.

Sounds like the beast is gone.  No need for calling in for the services of a
priest for now.  ;^)

On Sep 3, 11:34am, Scott Fisher wrote:
> 2.  Hooking JUMPER CABLES Up Backwards.  This is another ball of falafel...
> --Scott "Red to black, black to red, GZZZZZT FOOM!" Fisher

I watched a friend do this once in a very similar situation.  He wasn't quite
so lucky tho.  He must have had particularly good connections to both
batteries, because a fraction of a second after he connected the jumper cables
to the good battery, the resulting very large current caused the electrolyte
in the battery to boil, popping the caps off of the cells and spraying him in
the face & eyes with battery acid!!  BIG :-(  We quickly dragged him over to a
nearby water faucet and flushed his eyes with many gallons of water, so
luckily all he ended up with was itchy eyes for a while.

Moral:  Be careful when using jumper cables!!

   Pat Vilbrandt      Fluke Corporation      Everett, Washington USA
   pwv@tc.fluke.COM or: { uunet, uw-beaver, sun, microsoft }!fluke!pwv

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