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Triumph vs. MG

Subject: Triumph vs. MG
From: John Wroclawski <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 93 12:36:25 -0400
   From: (Roger Garnett)

   Is it marque wars time? :-)

Nah. But while we're here, ever notice that the MG's on this list are
named things like "Grandfather" and "The Geezer", while the TR's are
named things like "Sarah" and "Elizabeth"? Must mean -something-..

        -john, who is saving the name "Heather" for the E-type he
         imagines he will own some year..

From Tue Sep 11 11:40:47 2001
From: (Roger Garnett)
Date:         30 Jun 93 12:43:35 
Subject:      Re: MG vs TR wars

John Lye writes:

> Roger G. proposes a challenge:
> >           how about the MG-Triumph challenge? Midgets vs
> >Spitfires, and B's vs TR4s...

John Lye writes:

> Well, I'll volunteer to reperesent the TR4's in the autocross
> part of the competition if any MGB's want to take the challenge
> (especially if I can get mjb to do the driving!).  How about at
> the TRF Summer Party in the middle of August...

I was thinking about submitting the idea to the vintage race folks, but
that could work into something, If someone can come up with an good MGB,
and a driver. I don't anticipate Scott #1 is going to the party...

Careful folks- This isn't a stock TR4 by any means. Warm engine,
well developed suspension, and both owner and car are seasoned autocross

Even if my car were back together by then, it'd have a less-than-stock
engine, and the driver leaves even more to be desired.

Roger -And what about all those go fast stickers he's got?- Garnett

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