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RE: Jaguar List (Dual Meaning).

Subject: RE: Jaguar List (Dual Meaning).
From: DANIELS@LMSBV2.TAMU.EDU (Lee Daniels, Texas A&M University)
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1993 9:28:14 -0500 (CDT)
I once saw a Jaguar list - but it was just a broken spring.   (*rim shot*)

Lee M. Daniels - Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding - Texas A&M  |  DANIELS@TAMLMSB.BITNET  |  (409) 845-3726

From Tue Sep 11 11:40:46 2001
From: (Roger Garnett)
To: (British Cars)
Date:         30 Jun 93 10:37:52 
Subject:      Re: Triumph vs. MG

> Scott Fisher #1 says,
> > D Production Triumph into E Production because it takes a
> > 6-cylinder, 2.5-liter Triumph to beat a 4-cylinder, 1.8-liter MG.

> That's why I drive a TR6, Scott.  I forget, why was it you said you like
> MGs?

Is it marque wars time? :-) So why is it that this 2.5 Litre TR6,
designed around 1970, spec's in with almost the same acceleration and top
speed as the 4 cylinder MGB designed around 1960? (And what about having
to replace all those U-Joints every other year?) You're just mad cuz
people walk by your TR and say intelligent things like "Oh, is that an
MG? OK, who want's to step outside and settle this proper? Hmm- they have
the Sprite-Mini challenge, how about the MG-Triumph challenge? Midgets vs
Spitfires, and B's vs TR4's...

Roger -I'd rather push a... -Garnett

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