What? Hello? There seems to be a real dearth of dataflow on the britcar
network these days, which always seems to cause the generation of messages
titled "test", etc. from people who think they aren't connected anymore.
Perhaps a little trivial message will prime the pump and encourage those
who fear that they've been forgotten. So, here's something I dug up from my
collection of old, moldy britcar messages that appeared several oil-changes
(I think the original used "MG" rather than "Triumph"; modify as necessary
to suit your tastes. I'm sorry that I can't credit the original author.)
Ten Commandments of the Triumph Collector
I Thou shalt not store thy Triumph out of doors.
II Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's Triumph, nor his garage, nor his
tools, nor his manuals.
III Thou shalt not love thy Triumph more than thy wife; as much, but not more.
IV Thou shalt not read shop manuals on company time, lest the company
make it impossible to continue thy car payments.
V Thou shalt not despise thy neighbor's Porsche, nor his Mercedes, nor
even his BMW.
VI Thy shalt not let thy daughters nor thy sons marry during the holy
days of Brooklands and Silverstone.
VII Thou shalt not decieve thy wife into thinking that thou art taking
her for a romantic Sunday drive, when, indeed, thou art going to look
at another Triumph.
VIII Thou shalt not buy thy spouse a floor jack for Christmas.
IX Thou shalt not tell thy spouse the entire cost of thy latest
restoration, at least not all at the same time.
X Thou shalt not promise thy spouse a new addition to the house and then
use it to store thy Triumphs and spare bits.