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MG paint codes

To: (SOL)
Subject: MG paint codes
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 92 21:33:38 CST
With all this talk about MG paint codes, I have typed in the MG paint 
code chart and made it available for ftp on hoosier as 
pub/sol/mg_paint.txt.  This file is also available on the mail server 
at, and is also attached below.  I reformatted the chart to 
fit in 80 columns, otherwise it is as printed.  All question marks 
which appear in the text are either in the original source or were 
unreadable from the original.  All typos are mine.  Please send me any
corrections.  Thanks go to Paul Osborne for faxing me the chart.
T.J. Higgins | | Intergraph Mapping | Huntsville, AL
"Something's funny at your expense again" -- Devo


This chart came from manual # 15899.46, sec 12.a3 colours North
Americas Dealer BL, Shop Index.

   M G   C O L O U R   C O D E S   A N D   Y E A R S

------                -----        ------------   -------     -----------

Old English White     61-65        WT 3           8177        Cream White
Glacier White         70-78        BLVC 59        8845        Gray White
Glacier White #2       77          BLVC 59        90074       Grayer White
Leyland White         78-80        243 (NMC)      90106

Black                 61-80        BLVC 122       99000, 9300

Iris Blue             61-65        BU 12          12235       Medium Blue
Clipper Blue           61          BU 14          12297       Medium light Blue
Ice Blue              62-65        BU 18          12631       Medium Gray Blue
Blue Royale           64-70        BU 38          12635       Medium Dark Blue
Riviera Blue           65          BU 44          13123       Bright Blue
Midnight Blue         71-73        BLVC 12        14245       Dark Blue
Teal Blue             71-75        BLVC 18        14244       Medium Blue
Tahiti Blue           75-78        BLVC 65        14866
Tahiti Blue #2         77          BLVC 65        15096
Pageant Blue          78-80        224 (JNA)      15231
? Blue                             BU 11

Chelsea Gray          63-65        GR 15          31733       Light Gray
Dove Gray             61-65        GR 26          32085       Medium Gray
Cumulus Gray           70                         32252       Medium Gray
Sky Mist Gray          72          BLVC 9         33008       Mauve
Mirage                74-75        BLVC 11        33135

Tartan Red            62-63        RD 9           71062       Bright Red
Tartan Red #2         63-65                       71416
Flame Red             70-72        BLVC 61        71861
Flame Red #2           73          BLVC 61        72066
Flamenco              75-79        BLVC 133       72144
Damask Red            68-71 73-76  RD 5           71064
Damask Red             72?         BLVC 99        72261
Carmine Red           77-80        BLVC 82, 209   72065
Blaze Red             71-75        BLVC 16        60637       (orange)   
Vermillion Red        78-80        118 (CML)      60932       (orange)   

Black Tulip           72-73        BLVC 23        14417
Aconite               74-75        BLVC 95        14728

Pale Primrose         64-70        YL 12          81499       Medium Yellow
Bronze Yellow         70-73        BLVC 15        81827       Dark Yellow
Sand Glow             76-77        BLVC 63        24300
Ince Yellow           78-80        94, 207        82309
Chartreuse            76-77        BLVC 167       45189
Snap Dragon Yellow    79-80        235            82462

British Racing Green  64-70        GN 29          43342
Lime Flower           71-73        BLVC 20        44448
Wild Moss             71-72        BLVC 24        44447
New Racing Green      71           BLVC 25        44446
Citron                74-75        BLVC 94        44947
Tundra                74-75        BLVC 94        779?8       "olive drab"
Brooklands Green      76-80        BLVC 169       45190
Mallard Green         72-73        BLVC 22        44638

Harvest Gold          73-75        BLVC 19        82018       Ochre
Bracken               74-75        BLVC 93        60760
Mustard                            BLVC 19
Russet Brown          78-80        93, 205        24378

Aqua                  70-72        BLVC 60        14075

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