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Please read and help

Subject: Please read and help
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1992 17:32:32 EDT
The following was sent as a file and transmitted as mail at CU.NIH.GOV.

    I was going to wait and post this on Monday, but decided it would be
better to post it today so it would get out in time.
    I don't like to post things not pertaining to LBC's, but I'll make
a large exception this time.

    About 1 month ago, August 21st, my brother and sister left to go back
to college.  They left from Marlton, New Jersey and stayed overnight in
Pittsburgh with some family.  On Saturday, they left to go to Chicago to
drop off my brother at Northwestern.  On Sunday morning, Tammy, my sister
left by herself to continue to Grinnell College in Iowa.  She made it about
90 miles west of Chicago to LaSalle, where she apparantly had some car
problems (thereason I asked about the BP gas.)  The car was found abandoned
on the shoulder of route 80, locked with all of her belongs except her
purse and camera still there.  She was abducted and about a week later,
her body was found along highway 44 in southwestern Missouri.  She was
stabbed 7 times in the chest and was found wrapped in a blanket and left
along the side of the road.

    The main reaason I'm writing is that my parents will be on Oprah Winfrey
show this coming monday, the 28th.  The show is about violence towards women
and is asking everyone to call their state representatives and ask them to
support the crime bill currently bogged down in congress.  This bill starts
on the way to keeping dangerous criminals in jail and off of the streets.

  The bill number in congress is:  HR3331
  and in the senate:               1241

     The general phone number for the House is: 202-225-3456

     The listing in the phone book is:          202-224-3121

  Congress goes out of session on October 3rd, so hopefully this thing can
get put through congress.

          Dean Zywicki

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