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Re: About that word Cheers...

Subject: Re: About that word Cheers...
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1992 13:42:26 CDT
> "Cheers" is said before taking the next sip of one's favorite beverage.

Ahem. Speaking as a 33-year-old fussbudget, I would say that "Cheers" is
announced prior to the first sip of the round, particularly if your beverage
was paid for by someone else. It may also be for a cigarette or packet of
crisps, uttered immediately upon receipt of the gift item...

> "Cheerio" is said upon taking one's leave.

Yup, however, "Cheers" is equally acceptable.

I don't mean to nitpick over Dan's efforts, btw; we British and British-
wannabes (not sure which one you are, Dan) must work together on this!

CheerIO !

-- Andy

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