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Subject: Hooters
From: rush@mnementh.Metaphor.COM (Ed Rush)
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 92 11:12:38 PDT
> Sigh... the reason we British don't honk at everyone else is simply because we
> have slightly better manners than everyone else. 

A bit arrogant, but basically true.

> Uncle's Alvis came equipped with two horns: one normal horn for warning
> errant American tourists, the other a much quieter one for warning bicyclists

Blessed be.  As a bicyclist, I can attest that there is little worse than
some clown blasting his hooter in my ear.  (Lately, my VW Rabbit Conv. has
imitated that Alvis -- one of the twin horns seems to be going out, so I
sometimes just get a weak, single-horn toot.  When I get around to fixing it,
perhaps I should install a second switch somewhere, to do that on purpose.)

  | Ed Rush, not speaking for Metaphor, Mtn. View, CA  |
  |  UUCP: [...!{apple|decwrl}!]metaphor!rush          |
  |  Internet:                       |
  | My Macintosh doesn't go out in the rain.           |

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