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Re: Low gauges, Temp. Comp., Damson

To: british-cars@hoosier,
Subject: Re: Low gauges, Temp. Comp., Damson
From: Geronimo x54903 page 951-3432 <>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 92 07:28:28 PDT
Floating ground; Hmmm, let's see if I can explain this correctly.  In an auto,
ground is normally chassis ground where the - battery terminal is connected.  A
floating ground is ground in a seperate system isolated from chassis ground. 
You'll see this a lot in car stereo's (especially high end models) where the
negative side of the speakers are connected directly to the amp and NOT to
chassis ground.  I'm not sure why they do this, possibly for better noise

On another note, I think this was beaten to death a while ago, but what was the
general consensus on Slick 50 and similar products.  Worth it or a waste of
money?  I've been considering trying it out since it's only about $15.

Mike G.

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