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First car / Rollbar

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: First car / Rollbar
From: ian@Centric.COM (Ian Macky)
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 92 09:05:00 PDT
My first car was my Mom's cast-off Spitfire Mk IV, the wimpy one with a
1296cc motor and cardboard interior.  Top speed of about 70mph when wound
out but it had a REAL low center of gravity, and was real low in general,
so it was still fun to drive.

And we ARE talking LOW:  I could sit in the driver's seat, stick my arm out
the window and with a mild stretch touch the ground with my fingertips.

It had a marginal electric system, notably no horn.  Being so low, it was
below most truck mirrors.  So, after the first half-dozen times of being run
off the road by huge 18-wheelers (on bridges, in tunnels, everywhere) who
didn't know I existed, I've totally lost my fear of vehicular death.  Hence
motorcycles next, I guess.   Anyway, I'm still here.

I had to take the roll bar off my TR6 cause the view from the rear-view
mirror was of a big black horizontal bar and that's all.  Plus the pinhead
that installed it put the bolts through the sheetmetal, but neglected to
attach NUTS on the other side.  Put a wrench on the bolts and "Gee, these
sure are easy to turn..."


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