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Digest now available

To: sol@hoosier
Subject: Digest now available
From: mjb@hoosier (Mark Bradakis)
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 91 09:51:09 -0700
Thanks once again to Rob Gardner's software, there is another digest
available.  It is the collection of British car mail from this list, and
is sent out every morning.  This way folks get one large piece of mail
rather than having it dribble in throughout the day.  An example of the
format is appended below.

One problem with the setup at the moment is that I don't keep the main list
on my machine, but only the digest list.  This could lead to folks asking
to be on the digest list, but not getting taken off the main list for a few
days.  Hopefully Dale and I can keep that from happening.  The demand for
the digest may not be that high, as out of the 130 or so autocross list folks
only 11 folks are on it.

At any rate, let me know if you want to be added to the brit cars digest.


British Cars Digest #0                         Fri Feb 15 01:15:02 MST 1991

       Collection of mail from list.

           Mark J. Bradakis, Digest Coordinator


  Re: Frozen 1/4" brake adjuster  (kent)
  RE>Re- Frozen 1/4" brake ad (Jerry Kaidor)
  Buy British, not German (Jerry Kaidor)
  Re: Brakes (John Taylor [The Banshee])
  Re: Speedos (John Taylor [The Banshee])
  Re: RE>Re- Frozen 1/4" brake ad  (kent)
  Broom, Broom... (Mark Bradakis)

Send submissions to
Send requests to


Date:   Thu, 14 Feb 1991 13:49:13 PST
Subject: Re: Frozen 1/4" brake adjuster 

Moss also sells a brake adjusting wrench. According to the catalog,


Date: 14 Feb 91 16:04:54
From: Jerry Kaidor <>
Subject: RE>Re- Frozen 1/4" brake ad

        Reply to:   RE>Re: Frozen 1/4" brake adjus



Date: 14 Feb 91 16:12:49
From: Jerry Kaidor <>
Subject: Buy British, not German


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