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BRG, newsgroups...

Subject: BRG, newsgroups...
From: Stardent.COM! (Jim Muller)
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 91 10:58:42 EST
My 1969 Fiat 124 Spyder was a beautiful, dark, rich green, very close to
what folks back then called BRG, but maybe a bit clearer.  However, Fiat
called it Pino Verde...

The can of touch-up paint that came with it (well, I bought the car used)
it had been manufactured by PPG and
exported to Italy.

During the two years or so that I Kept the Flickering Flame, I steadfastly
refused to consider the idea of a newsgroup.  My reasons were very much
the same as others are proposing now.  I haven't changed my mind in the
last few months.  Keep this a newsfroup (that's weltyism for newsgroup).

Jim Muller

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