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re: Newsgroup

To: bcr!!
Subject: re: Newsgroup
From: taichi! (W. H. Sohl)
Date: 13 Feb 1991 8:44 EST
Shane Sturrock posed the following:
>I lobbed the idea of a newsgroup for minis into a few weeks ago and
>received quite a good response.  Not quite the 100 or so necessary to get it
>off the ground, but good nevertheless.  Now, I would like your (yes you lot!)
>comments on the idea, and whether you would go for one specifically for
>British cars?
>What say you, yay or nay?

I say no, leave it as an email list.  Why?  Because the reliability
of my Netnews feed is terrible.  Email on the other hand, while not
perfect, has a much higher degree of dependability for me.

For example, at my site, the administrator recently "adjusted" the
netnews because it was lagging by almost 10 days.  It seems that
this site can't keep up with the flow of netnews and over time,
the postings become more and more dated, such that new postings that
appeared over this past weekend had actual posting dates of January 31
Feb 1.  I don't know what the administrator does, but yesterday all the 
new postings had current dates.  That means that all postings between
Jan 31 and Feb 11 are gone to some bit bucket in the sky.

Another thing against changing the process is that there may be
some folks on the british-cars list that don't even have access
to netnews.

So, again I say no to a netnews newsgroup as opposed to the current
email forwarding list process.
Bill Sohl                      ||  email
Bellcore, Morristown, NJ       ||   UUCP    bcr!taichi!whs70
(Bell Communications Research) ||    or
201-829-2879 Weekdays          || Internet

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