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re: The casse of the missing brake fluid

To: bcr!!ssi!coventry!
Subject: re: The casse of the missing brake fluid
From: taichi! (W. H. Sohl)
Date: 10 Feb 1991 22:51 EST
>       Well folks, it being almost reasonable here today, I went out to 
>take the TR-6 out for a charge the battery spin this afternoon, hopped in,
>and the brake went all the way to the floor. Looking at the master cylinder
>reveals no brake fluid at all. Ok, figures I, I'll roll the car back (into the 
>sunshine) and figure out which corner the fluid has gushed out of since I moved
>the car to the other side of the garage 2 weeks ago.
>       But there's no brake fluid on the floor?!? Ok, maybe I trashed the 
>master cyl, and it's on the floor of the car. Nope. As fas as I can tell the 
>only brake fluid on the garage was in the bottle on the shelf.... This is 
>weird. Anyone got any bright ideas? I'm gonna have a hunt for it this evening
>if it's not too cold...

I've been through the same thing with both my 69 TR-6 and my TR-250.
It seems to me that when the brake master cylinder goes on these
cars, the problem involves either a bypassing of the dual cylinder
function and possibly a problem with the internal seal that should
prevent the fluid from re-entering the master cylinder when the
pedal is depressed.

Another possibility is that the leak, if there is one, is leaking
brake fluid into the vacuum booster.  If that's the case, there can
be quite a bit of fluid held by the vacuum booster.

That's the best I can think of for now.  Let us know what the
final outcome is.

Bill Sohl                      ||  email
Bellcore, Morristown, NJ       ||   UUCP    bcr!taichi!whs70
(Bell Communications Research) ||    or
201-829-2879 Weekdays          || Internet

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