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What's this list?

Subject: What's this list?
From: taichi! (W. H. Sohl)
Date: 6 Nov 1990 11:49 EST
Just received a piece of email posted to:

So who's the keeper of this list?  Is it new (I haven't
received anything before that I can think of)?  
Is it a temporary list until Jum Muller fires up the
original british-cars list again?  Is it "local" to
a certain area?  I'm in New Jersey for example.

I'm posting this to the same address to see what happens.
Bill Sohl                      ||  email
Bellcore, Morristown, NJ       ||   UUCP    bcr!taichi!whs70
(Bell Communications Research) ||    or
201-829-2879 Weekdays          || Internet

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