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TR paint code help

Subject: TR paint code help
From: "Teriann J. Wakeman" <mit-eddie!APPLE.COM!twakeman@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 90 09:58:15 -0700
I have finally decided that my TR3A will go back together Apple Green.  This
was a haed decission because the Land Rover is a darkish green and the MGBGT
is BRG and I did not want an all green driveway. To To keep from having all
green I decided that The Land Rover will get painted either its original
white or Land Rover red.

Anyway, here is my problem.  I can not find a paint number that my local 
automotive paint store can reference from.  My goal is to end up with a 
lacquer paint that is a match to the original alkaline enamel.

The Moss TR catalogue lists apple green as a med. olive green Ditzler paint
code 42486.  This colour was evidently available on TR3As from Mar. '58.

My automotive paint store does not reference that colour.  They do have
dupont catalogues going back to '59.  The Du Pont catalogue does not have
an apple green, but it does have something they call a litchfield green
listed as a factory colour for '59 & '60.  The only reference to an
apple green I was able to find in the Du Pont catalogue was for Sunbean &
Hillman.  This looked to be a very different colour from Litchfield green.
The paint chip for the Sunbeam apple green looked green apple greenish.
The Litchfield green colour looks more like a green olive green.

Sinse I am trying to rebuild my TR3 as a replica to the factory rally cars,
I would like to at least get the colour right.  Can ANYONE help me with this??


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