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Sticker, patch, T-shirt, etc...

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Sticker, patch, T-shirt, etc...
From: <mit-eddie!!streeter@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 90 16:16:40 -0400

I'll stay out of the fray trying to decide which of the above the
design should be put on, (any and/or all of them would be nice... if
only I had a car to put the sticker on... :-)

However, I do have a comment regarding the design.  As TeriAnn
suggested, I too would personally prefer to see something which
made it clear that this was an electronic mail club.  Something like
the autox "Team.Net" sticker design would be nice in that it
emphasizes the computer-related aspect.  (I'm not particularly keen
on SOL, although it is a nich TLA for LBC enthusiasts to use.)

Maybe something like british-cars@net or 
(Then again, not all british cars have exclusively lucas electrics
-- why should they get all the blame? :-))

  ... still trying to get a printout of the design...

Kenneth B. Streeter         | ARPA:
MIT LCS, Room NE43-350      | UUCP: ...!uunet!!streeter
545 Technology Square       | (617) 253-2614    (work)
Cambridge, MA 02139         | (617) 225-2249    (home)  

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