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SOL IDs, windscreen calking & such

Subject: SOL IDs, windscreen calking & such
From: "Teriann J. Wakeman" <mit-eddie!APPLE.COM!twakeman@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 90 20:35:31 -0700
First.... About SOL ids.
After reading countless votes & 'how 'bouts' I thought I would add an
additional 2 cents.

SOL <> Sons of Lucas.   Gime a break!  I allready deal continously with
junk mail addressed to Mr. TeriAnn Wakeman, automotive parts salesmen telling
me to get more information from my husband when I go for a part that is used
on a number of years of cars {lady, you NEED to know what year car and which
model it is before I can sell you an Altenator.  bring your Husband in" -
Dosn't matter that all I wanted was a 60 to 100 Amp altinator with built in
regulator for my '60 Land Rover that came with a 20 Amp generator}.
I daily deal with letters that start with "Gentlemen" and he as the universal
reference.  I even have to read HIStory. ARG!!!!

Time to get hold of myself.  I get soooo tired of male gender words being used
for a mixed group. Sorry I should have declared a flame on alert. Well I'll
push the red plunger on the hylon system & go on with the posting.

I think a patch{6 in??} would allow people to place it where ever they like.

Or ..
silkscreened onto a BRG windbreaker would be too cool.

RE silkscreened on white tee shirt ... ever try to keep white white around
a British car?? After all the British are the inventers of the externally
lubercated engine and transmission.

RE magnetic patch for affixing to side of car.  If you leave those things on for
a while they leave perminate marks in the paint.

RE antenna flags.  OK IF you have an antenna and do not fly it while driving
{otherwise it would probably start shredding soon}

I would like to vote for either a largish patch or silkscreened on a BRG
wind breaker. The logo probably should not mention Alliant.  How about
something like "British car group on-line"  or british-cars@net.

Seems to me that there should be some way to get accross that this is not just
your everyday go to meeting British car club {}

RE: replacing winscreens.  If its a tight fit you may want to go to a place
where they install windscreens all day for a living {they probably do not break
too many}.  If you want to do it yourself.  Go to the windscreen instillation
place & ask them for a tube of selant. Compounds have gotten MUCH better over
the years.  I would be hesitent to use just about any sealent recommended
in my manuals.  They will sell you a tube large enough for five or six cars.
If you are lucky, they may have an open tube they will sell for much less $$.
The point is that the people who do it for a living and have to redo it again
for free fit it leaks, have the best up-to-date materials. 


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