At this point I am "just a fan" of British Cars, but
I look forward to owning one soon.
I will be at the car show at Lars Anderson Park on
7-15-90, and I may make it to Triumph Day on 7-8-90.
I'll be wearing a white T-shirt with a very nice V-12
Jag GTP car in Castrol colours on the front, 1988 vintage.
I got it at the 1988 Lime Rock GTP race. I will also
have on a rather eye-catching hat-of-many-colours, plus
my usual VanDyke style beard plus Sunday undergrowth.
It should be lots of fun meeting other British Car list
users and car lovers while going gaga over Lucas Incarnate.
By the way, does anyone have a schedule of events for these
two days? It wouldn't do to get up too early on a Sunday,
but I also would hate to miss the good stuff.
Lars Anderson Park has been a favorite kite-flying locale
for myself and my "date" since before I moved to Hopkinton.
It is a rare jewel in an admittedly scuzzy setting, but
it seems like home to me and has lots of good memories
for lots of people. I only wish it was better taken care of.
-John Lupien