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TR7 Clutch Flakiness

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: TR7 Clutch Flakiness
From: mit-eddie!EBay.Sun.COM!mutchler@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Dan Mutchler)
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 90 12:50:14 PDT
The tires seem to clear up my first problem, and the new windshield
removed the annoying crack that split my forward vision, but now
I've noticed another problem that is a little bizarre.

Occasionally I have trouble getting the car into reverse. This is
most noticable after the car has been idling in neutral for a bit
or driven for a while. I behaves as if the clutch is still spinning,
but no amount of waiting after disengaging the clutch seems to
clear it up. The clutch feel definitely changes as the car is driven
in stop and go traffic. It appears to have less travel and engages
much earlier. If I park the car for a bit and then start it again
it seems to go back to normal.

Is this air in the clutch line or is their a well-known (by all but
me) piece of folk lore associated with TR7 clutches that I should know
to correct this problem?


Dan Mutchler                       | ARPA/Internet:  mutchler@EBay.Sun.COM
Sun Federal System Engineer        | UUCP:           ...!sun!mutchler
Philosophy is the talk on a cereal box.
Religion is the smile on a dog.
                           Edie Brickell

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