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Re: The quest is dead. :-(, dynos

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: The quest is dead. :-(, dynos
From: mit-eddie!!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Tue, 1 May 90 14:52:03 CDT
->> I have been accused of living in a cave, but I didn't know that
->> chassis dynomometers had gone out of style.
->It's a little out of the way for you guys, but there's a chassis dyno
->available here in Rochester, NY for rent...  I don't have the price schedule
->handy, but it's something like $150 per hour, including technician.

        Same story here. There's one just up the street from me at the
tractor-trailer repair shop. I've been considering heading up and checking
out their prices.


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