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Re: Anyone ever replace door latch wire?

To: "bricklin" <>
Subject: Re: Anyone ever replace door latch wire?
From: "High Tech Coatings" <htc@MNSi.Net>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 05:25:38 -0400
The door wire is actually 2 pieces, the long orange wire that runs inside
the skin and the 'flexible' wire that runs between the door and birdcage. I
have changed them with the skin on before but I got lucky and it only worked
on one side. The other was locked in place with a gob of door skin adhesive.
I also changed just the flexible by undoing the bottom of the wire at the
solenoid then gently pulling it back through the top of the door, you need
to be gentle because if it comes undone, off comes the skin. When you get to
the connector you will have to carefully shave it with an exacto knife so it
fits far enough through the hole to attach the flex.
 If you want to change the whole wire, start by shaving the connector so it
fits then attach the new wire to the old flex wire and carefully pull it
through the door. If you get lucky it goes right through. be sure to
securely attach the wire, if comes undone you have to pull the skin. It is
usually worth a try, as if it fails, the worst you will be is where you
started, no power to the solenoids and having to pull the skin.
 Neither of the two mentioned procedures are 'easy' so if the skin shows any
sign of delaminating you may as well pull them off and reglue them. While
the skins are off it is also prime time to visit all the window mechanism,
the cat whiskers, window channels etc.  It's just a case of the might as
Rick 0539/2028/2884

> The wire that comes from the roof to the door in the hinge area needs to
> replaced (the one that operates the door latch solenoid).  I seem to
> remember something about having to take the skin off to do it.  There has
> be an easier way than that -- any suggestions? Thanks, Kim.

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