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BIG XXV Media Coverage / Sponsors

To: "Bricklin List Server (E-mail)" <>
Subject: BIG XXV Media Coverage / Sponsors
From: Michael Mitchell <>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 06:14:39 -0500
Hi All!

HELP!! I need some assistance. If you were going to notify / invite some
magazine or TV show representatives to one of our meets, who would you
invite? I'm looking for a list of shows that you watch, or magazines that
you read or think might be interested in covering BIG XXV. Since this is the
25th year of the 'BIG' meets, (Bricklin Internation Gathering ... I had to
look that one up!) I thought we'd attempt to get our names in the automobile
magazines / shows.

Also, if you were going to solicit businesses for donations for the meet
'goodie bags', raffle and auction, who would you ask? (ie Summit Racing,
GoodRich, etc.) I need a list of those, too.

One last one for now. In Ohio, my Brick is considered to be a historical
vehicle, and can now run historical plates. Is anyone living in a state
where this is not the case? Will you be purchasing historical plates for you
car? Why or why not?

Thanks for the help in advance!

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