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Subject: AMC Day
From: Jeff Wynn <>
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 18:55:45 -0500
I was invited to show my Bricklin at the Smoketown Airport on the Sunday
of Memorial
Day weekend.  It is a Street Rod event in PA Dutch country but, Cecil
Co. Drags
would be tempting, especially if other Bricklins would be there.  Would
a '75
Ford engine Bricklin be welcome on All AMC Day?  I got to run a friend's
at Cecil Co. Drags about 3 years ago, and I was amazed at all the local
running there - big fun.  I still have some minor things to do to the
car- remount
driver's window, fix AC, and install new center console.  It would be
nice to replace the carb with something that would help it breathe
better.  I think the right carb might
actually be all it needs to turn a respectable quarter mile.  Any
                      Thanks, Jeffrey Wynn  VIN 2157

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